Are We There Yet?

Another lifetime ago, we lived overseas. And during that time, we were able to take a family trip to London. On that trip, one thing stood out to my children above all others. Bigger than the London Eye, more impressive than the Crown Jewels, even more memorable than the mac’n’cheese at the Hard Rock Cafe. The walking. We walked everywhere. …

From One Working Mom to Another

Although I’ve been a working mom for nearly all of my children’s lives, the majority of that employment was quite non-traditional. As I’ve ventured into the world of working outside the home again, I’ve struggled with lots of feelings from guilt to frustration to enjoyment. I notice other working moms more readily, and I see in their eyes the same …

For When You Want Help for Your Blog

I know so many of you that hang out here with me are bloggers as well. Many of us are “smaller” bloggers, who make very little income (or no income at all) from our blogging. Others of us are bigger and are able to support their family fairly well. And many of us are somewhere in between. I myself have …

To My Husband: A Letter of Thanksgiving

My wonderful husband and I have been married for almost 13 1/2 years…and I don’t verbally, or publicly, recognize all the amazing, wonderful things he does for me, for our family, nearly often enough. You guys, he takes care of so many mundane tasks and does them so well that I don’t even realize he’s done them. It’s just seamless. …

Familiar, Yet Changed

Memories rise like dust in the desert with each step I take in this dry land, familiar yet changed. Round every corner nostalgia blows afresh. The scent of a memory wafts by, gone as quickly as it came; so quickly one would doubt if ever it was truly there. This place. It saw me bloom from child to young lady …

I’d Have You Over, But…

Have you ever really felt like you needed to invite a friend or acquaintance over to your house for tea or coffee, but didn’t because the house wasn’t “right?” Yeah, me too. A lot. You see, I’m not what you would normally consider a “homemaker.” However, I’m redefining my definition of that word. You see, I’m learning there’s a lot …