Five Minute Friday

For awhile now I’ve seen around the interwebs folks participating in Five Minute Friday, hosted by The Gypsy Mama. I’ve read the posts and really enjoyed them, but never joined in. Well, fueled by a need to reboot my writing process, I decided to join in this week.

The idea is, you are given a prompt word. Then, set your timer for 5 minutes and write on that subject. Only 5 minutes. No editing, no revising.

I almost laughed out loud when I saw the prompt for this week as I stared at the screen, bleary eyed. So, here you go: my first ever Five Minute Friday.

Today’s prompt: AWAKE


Eyes burning. Blurred. Stumbling down the stairs.

Happy sounds, muffled behind a closed door, float through the house.

He’s awake.

This was supposed to be my time. My date with Him. It’s what this weary mama heart needs to be: awake.

Sleepy thoughts stir and twist in a foggy head. Help me. Feed me. Strengthen me.

Happy sounds quiet down. It’s as if he, too, sits in awe before the Throne. Rocked with invisible arms; Heaven’s daycare. Floating peace, rest, down like a cloud allowing this mama 5 minutes with Him.

Grant me a mind that is sharp. A heart that is soft, compassionate, fueled by love and joy instead of fatigue and self-seeking.

Against all odds, regardless of hours slept (or not), coffee drank, help me to be: fully. awake.


Comments 7

  1. Oooo — that reads like a poem! Thanks for sharing it. My heart always sinks a little when I realize our four year old was the first one up. I wonder “Oh what has he gotten into so quietly?”

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